Professional Equipment & RV Storage in Livonia, MI
Are you a business owner with a fleet of vehicles or equipment you rely on for daily operations? A private community member with a boat or RV that you love? A trucker who wants to separate their work from their home life a bit more? Chances are that no matter your circumstances, you have some property items that are eating up large amounts of space—space you could be using for other purposes.
Free up your front yard, back yard, side yard, and garage or parking lot for more important activities, and give yourself room for items you’ll use on a more regular basis. Mac Yard makes it easy to store large items like dumpsters, trailers, and heavy machinery. And thanks to our central location in Livonia, you’ll have quick, convenient access to your property whenever you need it. Our secure facility is designed to support residents of our community with better storage solutions.
Invest in Your Business With More Room for Expansion

Give yourself room to grow by taking advantage of remote storage space. Parking large vehicles at Mac Yard and storing equipment or dumpsters at our facility frees up space for expansion at your physical business front. With the extra room, you may find yourself able to offer additional, valuable services at your brick-and-mortar location. Not to mention, more parking spots means more opportunities for customers to show up and purchase your goods or engage your services.
Storing your belongings at Mac Yard can also make your materials and equipment more accessible. When you’re out on jobs all day long, it can be difficult to keep up with unique client demands or vehicle capacities. You shouldn’t have to limit the number of jobs you can take based on worries about being able to make it back to your home or business front. Having dumpsters, unique machinery, and other equipment parked on our lots empowers you to do more every day. Reach out to our team to learn more and get your free storage estimate.